Monday, August 13, 2007


Tonight, sitting in bed with my hubby, reflecting on the day, I realized that I was in a moment of grace. And it felt oh so good. Sometimes, I catch myself in a moment, fleeting and ordinary, that if only I take a small minute to acknowledge it, becomes meaningful. Tonight was one of those times. The house was clean enough to feel good about, the boys were all tucked in their beds, I felt vaquely sexy in my ralph lauren men's nightshirt and rimless glasses (in a librarians-gone-wild sort of way...ha!), I was having a nice end of the day conversation with my hubby, a friend had dropped by late and unexpectedly and had spent a few minutes having good conversation and perusing my bookshelves for a good read...and it struck me...these simple, quotidian pleasures...these little quiet rewards after a long day...this is the good life. Sometimes, I must remind myself, while waiting for the next "big thing" to happen...not to miss the little moments of grace that make life really wonderful. Tomorrow, happy chaos will erupt around 7:30 am, but for now I am enjoying this moment of just *being*. And I am thankful for it.

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