Oh, in other thrilling finds, I was in the Discount Food store earlier this week and found Burt's Bees lip gloss, which I love, for $1 a tube!! I had just purchased two tubes (for $8!!) a few weeks ago, only to have my two year old throw them in the dryer and turn it on (how does he know how to do that?!!). So, the lip gloss was all over my fabulous monogrammed Pottery Barn hotel linens, that I bought at TJ MAXX a few years ago. Anywaaaaay, in case you haven't heard, Burt's Bees was recently bought out by Clorox (do you think that is weird too?). So, I am pretty sure that bleach will be on the list of ingredients in the lipgloss soon:::sigh:::so I purchased 12 tubes of the stuff to stockpile. That should last me a good four or five months. Long enough to find a new natural lipgloss, I hope. Do you have any suggestions?
In other random things, what is up with this whole cloning-the-dairy cow thing? What, have they forgotten how to reproduce themselves or something? I am curious, how do you feel about eating cloned meat (or drinking milk from a cloned cow)? Personally, it freaks me out. But, I was already nervous about eating genetically-modified meat as it is now.
I am excited to begin preparing my square foot garden next week! First, I have to buy and build the frame, which I hope to get to next week. Then (Mom: stop reading here), I have to go over to my parents and load up the back of the mom-mobile with some prime garden topsoil from daddy's (now defunct) garden to fill in the frame with. I am going to mix it with my compost (see Hon, I told you all those banana peels and egg shells you toted across the yard for me, would come in handy!) and some other soil elements-that-I-can't-remember-the-name-of. By mid-February, it should all be ready for me to plant some different lettuces, spinach, carrots, onions, and possibly sugar snap peas. I think I will skip broccoli and cauliflower. We aren't big fans. I am really excited about the garden. If my lettuce is a success, I can officially eliminate grocery store shopping! Fresh lettuce is one thing I just don't want to give up, and the produce stand doesn't carry it (spoils too quickly).
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ReplyDeleteI agree on the cloned meat thing. They are not even being required to label it as cloned beef...yuck! My husband and I run an organic produce delivery business...we've just added grassfed beef to our list of items to purchase!
ReplyDeletei didn't know that about Burt's Bees...what a bummer...their chapstick and lip shimmers are my favorites day in and day out. Way to go on all your gardening plans! I guess I should start thinking about that! Can't wait to watch your gardening journey!
ReplyDeleteHey laurel == did you find those eggs at L&D? I went there the other day and they had fresh eggs. I asked her where from and she said Brooklet, which is super-local!
ReplyDeleteI was a little taken a back by the whole cloned meat in the food supply thing. 1) EW and 2) is it just me or were there only like a handful of cloned animals that actually lived past the age of three?
ReplyDeleteWhen did we completely master this whole cloning thing? Obviously I haven't been paying close enough attention.