Sunday, November 04, 2007

PRODUCT SHOUT-OUTMy friend, Jessica, was asking me if I liked my recycling bags and my answer was such a strong "yes!!!" that I thought maybe I would give them a little bloggety shout-out. :)

I LOVE my recycling bags. I have had them for 2+ years and they are great. I love them because they are lightweight, can be hosed down if they get dirty, have handles for easy toting, are color coded, have interchangeable labels (the labels also have a picture, which is great if you have a child that doesn't read yet), hold a lot, have velcro to connect them together (if you like), and are just really practical. They come four to a set (bottles, paper, cans, and compost). I have a separate container for compost, so I use them for glass, plastic, paper, and metal.

They are $22 and worth every penny. Plus, they have free shipping!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Hi Laurel. I went to L & D produce today. I usually forget but after reading your blogs, I made a point to get my veggies there. There tomatoes are so fresh and colorful. I don't know how to can or put up vegatables yet. I can only dream of getting that far. I am still stumped by the laundry detergent recipe!
