Wednesday, September 08, 2010

On a little late-night mommy guilt

I am from the school of thought that a little dirt never hurt anyone. 

My kids get several baths a week...but the term "bath" is used loosely. A run through the sprinkler might qualify.
At any rate, they are usually semi-presentable, and they do get their ears cleaned and their teeth brushed regularly but no one is going to accuse me of being fanatical about children's hygiene. 

Which is why it is somewhat unusual, that 10 minutes (quiet, beautiful, blissful minutes) after the boys' had gone to bed, that I hurried upstairs, got them out of bed, and in to the shower. 

Their feet were just a little too dirty for comfort.

Getting out of bed to play in the shower for 30 minutes was full-out awesome to the boys.

And I was the hero.

Funny how my mommy guilt can translate so differently to them.


  1. Bessie10:12 PM

    Bauer and his boots crack me up!! It was fun to see you and your crew today, as always!

  2. Ha! Ha! I can so relate! A quick hose off with the sprinkler can look mighty tempting some days.

  3. Love bath as a "loose" term. Yea i think a dip in the kiddy pool counts too right?

  4. Just found my way here. Love the fresh and fun approach you have - what a great blog!

  5. Funny post.

  6. Ha! My sister-in law said some years ago: You know it's summer when there's a little sand in the bed... (we live at the coast). That really made me relax... love your blog!
