Saturday, July 16, 2011


I never have much to say when I am pregnant. And what little I do want to get off my chest, usually fits nicely in a Facebook status. Hence, the four months of silence. 

Life around here has been good. 
Rich in friendship and community. 
I've been on bed rest for two weeks now. 
So, others are taking care of my children, fixing our food, cleaning my house. 
It's been hard to let go of my responsibilities, without also feeling worthless and guilty...but it's also been a relief. 
Guilt mixed with gratitude is sort of a weird place to be. 

Maybe I will talk more another time about the wrestling that has gone on in my heart for the better part of this pregnancy...relinquishing ideals and expectations, mourning things that have changed, anticipating new life that is coming to us...but for now, I just want to keep it light. 

In just a short time, we will be welcoming twin GIRLS into our family. 

I'm happy to be back, in whatever capacity. 
With millions of blogs out in cyberspace, I appreciate that you read and comment on mine.
 And I am so thankful for the deep, real friendships that have sprung up from here!


  1. Twin girls! Congratulations!! That's very exciting. :) Try to enjoy the rest. Fight the guilt!;) God's ways are perfect.

  2. Congratulations...lovely narrative about your life.
    xo jana

  3. I don't even remember how I found your blog last year but have really enjoyed your posts, longing for simplicity in my life and finding great encouragement! Thank you. Congratulations on your upcoming arrivals. We are expecting # 3 in September, our first girl. Looking forward to updates whenever they happen! Prayers for all that lies ahead and trusting in God's faithfulness and goodness.

    All the best,

  4. It is difficult to relinquish the reins to your home. I wish you the best as you go through this time, and in the near future with a houseful of children and two new blessings.

  5. I think I encountered your blog via the family picture images you have posted below - a lovely family you have and congratulations regarding the upcoming additions!

  6. Laurel, we have and continue to pray for you and the whole family. I know that bed rest is a hard place to be through hearing about it from many of my patients and friends, but not through personal experience. We are continuing to pray for 2 healthy girl babies and renewed strength for you daily as your job is to grow the babies. We have moved to a whole new phase of life, as I am sure you have heard, and I am sorry that I have not been able to help. Know that we have been praying daily for all of you. Avery is in awe of Landing getting to get 2 sisters at once! Let me know if I can do anything, and I will try my best! Love, Gretchen

  7. Just saw Lydia this weekend and asked how you were doing, since I lurk here and its been quiet! :)

    So excited for the overflow of girliness that is coming your way soon. Congratulations!

  8. Twin girls! Sisters.....very little in life is better than that. Congrats! MamaP

  9. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Hi Laurel,

    I hope you are well and enjoying your rest before the busyness to come. I can't remember how I found your blog (Flourishing Mother, maybe?) I am also expecting twin girls in September (due date is 9/22, but I'll probably be induced the first week of Sept.) I have four other children as well...2 boys & 2 girls (9 & under!) Some days I'm so overwhelmed at how life is going to change, but I'm slowly learning to embrace that this is God's plan for our life right now and I have peace about that. I would love to e-mail about our experiences and encourage each other, if you are interested (saramcole at yahoo dot com)
